Monday, September 20, 2010

High School Art I and II Projects

The art room at HPCA has been busy, busy, busy so far this year.  We are off to a great start and students are creating some terrific art pieces.

Art I has been learning about The Elements of Art and The Principles of Design and have been working for the last five weeks on design projects.

Here are some examples of what they are doing. 

Mandala Designs

Heads Up Design Portraits

Art II Students have been studying The Art of China.  They created paintings based on the Chinese paintings that we have studied.

There are alot more, but you will have to come to the art show in May to see the rest.
I am very pleased with the progress!
Currently, Art I has started a drawing unit and they are working in pencil with the subject nature.  Art II is learning about African Art and they are painting using the African Mask as their inspiration.  We will show them off when they are complete.
Art III and IV and Honors students are busy working on their individual projects and we will post them in about a week.

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